Drone Strikes – 9/16/21

ISIS-K attack the Kabul airport, killing 13 Americans and 200+ of our Afghan allies.
We tried to counter attack with a drone.
We thought we found an ISIS-K operative with a car of explosive materials.
So, we blew it away after the driver parked the car at home.
But there were only jugs of water in the car for his family.
So who did we kill?

10 civilians… including 7 children. The man driving the car: Zemari Ahmadi – a U.S. NGO worker and target of the strike. Three of Ahmadi’s children were also killed.

Mr. Ahmadi’s children:
Zamir age 20
Faisal age 16
Farzad age 10

Mr. Ahmad Naser, a former U.S. military contractor with a pending resettlement application was also kill. Ahmadi had three nephews killed in the blast.

Arwin age 7
Benyamin age 6
Hayat age 2

and two girls,

Malika age 3
Somaya age 3

We’ve known for a long time that mistakes occurred in our drone strike program.
Mistakes = blowing up innocent civilians

As it turns out, you don’t always know who you are dropping bombs on from behind a computer miles away.

But this here was a colossal, unforgivable mistake… it’s the mass murder of children.
This isn’t justice, it’s a war crime.
In YDSS’s opinion, it is time for the United States to indefinitely suspend it’s use of drone strikes.
It is abundantly clear we don’t know who we are dropping bombs on… weddings, farmers-

We can’t even distinguish an ISIS-K operative with bomb materials from 7 children and a car filled with jugs of water.

In our last post we talked about the concept of “blowback”. We hurt innocent people while attacking our enemies. The people who hold us responsible for our actions today become our enemies tomorrow.

So, how many new extremists did we just create?
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American Justice – 9/15/21:

American Justice – 9/15/21:

Okay, we had some fun yesterday.  Unfortunately, not everything is cotton candy and roses.  And as much as we would all like to wash our hands of Afghanistan, it is not going anywhere.  Here’s your updates:

– We had the first of an endless number of congressional hearings on our evacuation of Afghanistan.

– Democrats largely defended the Biden Administration, pointing out that Trump essentially handed them a Jenga tower with all the supports pulled out.  It could have collapsed at any time.  Trump reduced the number of U.S. troops to an all time low, while Taliban forces were at an all time high.  The Democrats version is that the disastrous withdrawal was inevitable, simply the cards they were dealt.  As a matter of fact, we should be applauding the evacuation effort, since we were able to pull 130,000 people in 2 weeks… something that has never been done before.  However, much of the chaos could have been avoided if we started pulling Americans and our Afghan friends months ago, instead of waiting until weeks before the withdrawal deadline to pull people. 

Keep that in mind, withdrawing itself did not trigger the country’s collapse.  The Trump administration dialed down our forces without pulling anyone. 

Mistake #1. 

Yet, for the 8 months he was in office, the Biden Administration allowed these folks to remain in Afghanistan while the Taliban worked on bribing their way to power. 

Mistake #2. 

The knowledge that Americans were completely pulling out at the end of August triggered the collapse that led to the frantic evacuation effort -in that order.  The Jenga blocks collapsed with everyone still inside the country.

– Republicans are describing this as a total failure that has strengthen our enemies, weakened our position in the world, and fed the women of Afghanistan to the Taliban.  All of which is true, but those hypocrites don’t get to say shit, because they were cheering on Trump when he set the stage for it.  Trump was going to do everything Biden did, except he was going to do it even sooner, just as chaotically and leave as many of our Afghan allies behind as he could.     

A plague on both your houses.

But that’s old news.

We have new news.  On our way out of Afghanistan, ISIS-K attacked the airport, killing 13 members of our military and 200+ of our Afghan allies.

America was not going to allow the attack to go unanswered, so we swiftly attacked an ISIS-K attack planner.  Someone attacks America, we strike back quick, and hard.  Serve them some righteous American justice.  Americans demand it, doing otherwise would show weakness.

Here is the problem-  We aren’t sure we got the right people.  CNN has done a great job investigating this:


According to them, a vehicle left what the military believed to be an ISIS-K safehouse.  The vehicle drives all over the city.  According to our intelligence, the vehicle was supposed to be carrying explosive material, meet up with another insurgent on a motorcycle.  However, footage shows that the vehicle was only carrying water, and never meets up with any motorcyclist.  Our military launched a drone strike on the vehicle while it was parked at a residence, surrounded by children.

If we ignore for a moment that the American military dropped a bomb on children while trying to get revenge for the American people  -And we fucking shouldn’t.

We don’t even know if the target of the attack was with us, or against us.

Which puts me in the uncomfortable position of agreeing wholeheartedly with Rand Paul:


For those who skipped the video, in short Rand Paul asks Antony Blinken

“Well see, you’d think you’d kind of know before you off somebody with a predator drone whether he was an aid work or an ISIS-K operative.”

Rand Paul & Ron Paul have some quacky ideas, however, they both have always been consistently critical of how and when America uses military force.  That is not something we often see in the Democratic party, let alone the Republican party.  There is actually quite a bit of overlap between Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul.  We should listen to them because they are not partisan hacks on the issue.  They’ve been discussing it for years at great political risk.

I remember a few years ago Ron Paul discussing the concept of “Blowback” at a Republican 2008 debate.


The idea being that it feels good to attack bad people.  However, in doing so, we always run the risk of hurting innocent people.  Those innocent people now sees us as the enemy… and the cycle continues.  We create the terrorists of tomorrow by seeking out revenge using unmeasured amounts of force, and making imprecise attacks based on weak intelligence today.

These events are not isolated incidents.  America has a long history of doing this.  American drones have killed countless innocent people.  We’ve dropped bombs on weddings.  Here we killed and maimed children.  We invaded Afghanistan even though we knew many of the 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia… and members of their government knew of, and were complacent in the attack.  Pakistan hid Osama Bin Laden, and we did nothing.  We invaded Iraq based on false intelligence, and called ourselves “liberators”.   

We lost 2,977 on 9/11.  And that really sucks.

And in the wars we’ve fought since, we’ve lost another 7000+ service members in the fighting, and 30,000+ to suicide after they came home.


Our strongest argument for the War on Terror is:  “At least we haven’t had another 9/11”

But with 37,000 service members directly or indirectly killed since, I’m counting at least 12 for us.

I’m not a pacifist.  I’m just anti-stupid war.  I am anti-fighting without clear, well planned, obtainable goals.

The war in Afghanistan cost $2.3 trillion, and 71,000 civilian Afghans were killed as a direct result of the war.

The war in Iraq cost $2 trillion, and 200,000 civilian Iraqis were killed as a direct result of the war.

In all-  Brown University estimates our 20 year War on Terror has cost $6.4 trillion, and resulted in 801,000 total deaths, 335,000 of those civilians.


The only version of freedom & peace we have been able to offer is one with drones flying above their heads like the Sword of Damocles.

And what did we learn from it?  A few weeks ago evil ISIS-K murdered 13 members of our military, so we righteously bombed some Afghan children while trying to get revenge on someone who may or may not have been an ISIS-K operative…as stated by our Secretary of State Antony Blinken himself.

Right now there is this narrative being pitched that pulling our troops out of Afghanistan will not impact our ability to fight terrorism.  Presumably, American operatives will continue to collect intelligence, and we will continue to bomb perceived threats with drone strikes. 

Sometimes we will kill bad people, sometimes we will bomb innocent people and children.  Some of the survivors will want revenge on America… and then we will bomb them too.   

And the shit show continues.
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California Recall – 9/14/21:

I can’t pretend to understand how these California recall elections work. All I remember from 2003 was a pornstar and a little person running for office, along with like 50 other candidates. Somehow the Terminator came out on top of the pile and became Governor.
Now that was a shit show.

This time around they are trying to recall Gavin Newsom. Now, I don’t know much about Newsom except that he is a very dashing man. A silver fox. I have a wife and two daughters; I’m completely secure with my masculinity and sexuality. I’m just saying you got to admit Gavin Newsom looks like the Hollywood actor who should be playing Gavin Newsom if they ever made a movie about him. Besides, it’s long past time we objectify men in politics. Have fun with it, most men in office look like Jeff Sessions.

Anyways, for a while the recall looked like it could happen- until Californians realized a recall of Newsom meant replacing him with Republican Larry Elder.
Now I don’t know much about Elder either, except that he was a conservative talk show host, as well as a black man who supported reparations.

….but -NOT- like you are thinking…

No no no… Elder once suggested that white slave owners deserved reparations after losing their property. He said like it or not, black people were their property, and they deserved compensation when the government took it from them. This guy is like a Dave Chappelle character come to life.
Polls are wrapping up here at 11pm.

On one hand there is Gavin Newsom who faltered some on his Covid response and the wild fires.
On the other is Elder, who is already calling the election rigged, wants to repeal mask & vaccine mandates…. and suggested if we are going to start handing out reparations, we should be compensating the descendants of slave masters for their losses… ehh, free black people.

I have faith that Californians will do the right thing here…
But hell, crazier things have happened right?

Update: Gavin Newsom defeats the recall and remains Governor of California.
Cost for all this: $276 million dollars.
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Where were you on 9/11? – 9/11/21:

Twenty years ago on September 11, 2001 at 8:46 am, the first plane hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center. At 9:03 a second plane hit the South Tower.

I was a senior in high school- sitting in 1st period American History. Another teacher ran into the room to tell us the news. Our teacher Mrs. Helm turned on the tv. We sat there in shock as we watched the second plane hit the South Tower.
Next the Pentagon, and the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Helm told us, everyone asked her generation:

“Where were you when you heard Kennedy had been shot?”

She says try to remember this day, because your grandchildren will be asking you:

“Where were you when the Twin Towers were struck?”

We didn’t really have classes for the rest of the day. Economics & Gov’t was my next class. The bell kept ringing, we’d move to the next classroom, where the tv was on. We spent the whole day watching.
So, where were you when you heard about the 9/11 attacks?
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Biden Comes Out Swinging (his big balls) – 9/10/21

Biden introduced a series of executive orders aimed at defending the country from the selfish stupidity of the unvaccinated. What do the orders do?

1) Biden has instructed the Department of Labor to require all employers with 100+ employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week.
-> He then pointed out Fox News already requires this, among many others. Spin that Carlson, you racist ventriloqual dummy.

2) There will be vaccination requirements for all federal workers, and federal contractors.
-> 75 days to comply or to receive a religious/medical waiver. Many folks about to find God. (then meet their maker after getting sick)

3) Vaccination requirements will be expanded to cover those who work in hospitals, home health care facilities, and other medical facilities.
-> If the hospital accepts Medicaid/Medicare, they must comply. Tough luck for my anti-vaxx nurse friends.

4) The Transportation Safety Administration will double the fines on travelers who refuse to mask.
-> You gotta pay, to play stupid games. You act up, you get smacked up… with fines.

5) The Defense Production Act will be used to increase production of rapid tests, including ones that can be used at home.
-> That’s good news for all of us vaccinated hypochondriacs.

6) The Department of Labor to require employers will give employees paid time off to get vaccinated.
-> The very last carrot you are ever going to see on the issue.

Biden’s support on his handling of the Coronavirus has been slipping… While anti-vaxxers were always against Biden, I can only assume the drop in approval is from the very annoyed vaccinated people who were promised normalcy. This is Biden’s answer.On one hand I wish he had done it sooner… but I get why he waited. He gave as many carrots as possible- now its sticks. Soon it’ll be cattle prods.

NYC is requiring proof of vaccination for gyms, restaurants, and performance venues.
Los Angeles is requiring vaccinations in schools for eligible students.
I expect these measures will be adopted in every big city.

The only criticism I have about Biden’s EOs is that 75 days is way too long.
The fall is coming. Delta is a monster. We’ll be damn near December by then- We saw Coronavirus spike last year when the cool weather hit. When the temperature drops this year, Delta will be everywhere.

Parents with children at home, get your kids vaccinated as soon as it becomes available. If they are too young to be vaccinated, don’t allow the unvaccinated around them… I don’t care who they are. Nothing to feel bad about, their safety takes priority. You’ll want to start thinking about wearing masks in public again, if you’re not already. If you need to take your children with you to the grocery store- do it outside peak hours. And if strangers try to talk & play with your child -and they will- politely tell them: We don’t know you, so back your ass on up.

If you’re the kind of person who loves saying hi to babies at the grocery store- no disrespect. We love the compliments, but we don’t know your vaccination status, so be respectful and keep your distance.

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The Richmond Confederate Statue – 9/9/21

A 12-ton statue of Robert E Lee was taken down Wednesday and cut into pieces in Richmond, VA.
Been there since 1890. We’ve done this enough times to know there are people across the country who are very upset about it’s removal.

“Stop trying to erase our history!” They say.

You’ve heard all the cliche arguments, I know.

Why did the statue need to come down?

1) This is the United States. We honor folks who fought FOR our country. Robert E Lee was a traitor who fought against our country. We shouldn’t have an 18-foot statue honoring Lee for the same reason we don’t have an 18-foot statue honoring Benedict Arnold.

2) Yes, the monument is racist. That’s not my opinion, it is a statement of fact.

How do we know it’s racist?

Is it that Robert E Lee was a slave owner? No.
Is it that Lee fought to preserve slavery? No.
Is it all of the racist statements he spoke and wrote? No.

All true and all great guesses, but no.

The statue went up in 1890. Who put the statue up?
Come on, you know the answer, don’t play coy.

Richmond VA currently has a population that is 50.6% black.

I’ll give you a hint: The black people didn’t put it up. They were left out of these kinds of decisions at the time.
Could you imagine, all these black people getting together to honor their hero Robert E Lee?

Alright we narrowed our choices to Fredrick Douglas and Robert E Lee. Sure, Douglas was a great man, born a slave who fought for the freedom and education of black people. -But General Lee literally fought for us! Fought to keep us as property, sure. But he did it FOR us. That wonderful white man was willing to kill his own countrymen, because he believed we black people could not make it on our own. Now that’s a hero. I’m just going to say it, General Lee deserves it. Sorry Douglas, you’re cool and all, but we needed this Robert E Lee statue up like yesterday.


Does that even sound right to you? No, of course not.
So no. No, it wasn’t the black people.

Richmond VA, currently 40.8% white.
Who put the statue up? Come on, just shout it out if you know the answer…

The white people! That is correct. White people were in charge, white people had the money, white people donated the land, and white people put it up.
You may say sure, the optics look bad, but YDSS, how do we KNOW it is racist?

Why did they put it up?
Well let’s think about this…
The white people got together, started spitballing ideas about how to make the city a little “nicer”.
Guys, 25 years ago our country was nearly destroyed by a civil war. What can we do with this space that will bring our community together? One of them says, you know what ALL of us would enjoy? A giant statue of Robert E Lee. We’ll put him on a horse, on a pedestal. Inside, we’ll put a time capsule and fill it with all our best Confederate souvenirs. We got the money, we got the land, let’s just freakin’ do it. It’s going to be awesome.

The room erupted in applause and cheering. Yea, who doesn’t appreciate a hero like Robert E Lee? Our black friends are going to love it! They are going to be SO surprised when they see this thing go up! 🙂
FFS, it’s racist because in a predominantly black city, a bunch of racist ass white people put up a monument of their racist hero who fought a war against our country to preserve the enslavement of the very same black people living in that city when the monument went up.

It’s not “woke”, -whatever the hell that means, it’s common sense.

These people didn’t put up Confederate monuments out of their love of history. They longed to return to the time when they could own people, wanted to glorify the traitors who fought for it, all while sending a message to the 50% black population: You may be legally free, but we have the power, we are in charge, and we still fucking own you.

That’s it. That’s Confederate monuments 101.
Richmond Virginia, 50% black, 40% white. This is what I say-
If the majority black population does not think a giant statue honoring a traitor who fought to keep them as slaves accurately reflects them in 2021, it is their right to remove the statue… why should folks outside Richmond be upset they are taking it down?
It’s their city, not yours. They can decide for themselves who deserves a monument in THEIR city.
And as to the question, why now? After all these years, why is there suddenly a problem with our racist traitor statue?
The answer is:
Black folks weren’t consulted when the statue went up in 1890. It was always a problem. It just took over 130 years before they finally had someone in office willing to remove it for them.
And now it is gone.
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The Richmond Confederate Statue – 9/9/21 Read More »

Abortion Part 2 – 9/4/21

I received so much positive feed back on my last post, I thought I would answer some questions and tie up some loose ends.
First- I clearly stated that I am pro-choice, and lampooned the Texas bill. I think some folks intentionally misconstrued the post to vent some of their frustration about what is going on in Texas.

By reading my blog, I assume you want my opinion. It’s your right to disagree, or get upset. However, maybe you shouldn’t tell me that I don’t have a right to voice my opinion… after asking for it by reading my opinion blog. I mean that kinda makes sense right?

Moreover, I can’t apologize for being a male, with a male-centric point of view. I am a male. Again, you went to a male author’s blog, where he gave you ample warning he was going to discuss abortion. Reading further is implied consent. If you truly believe males should have no opinion on the subject, why seek me out to read it? That’s really on you, not me.
The entire premise of the post is that while everyone is up in arms about the Texas bill, the best way we can help young woman and men is to give them quality sex education, and easy access to contraceptives. Preventing unwanted pregnancy is always pushed to the wayside, while folks have fiery debates about abortion.

I also criticized the pro-choice talking points. I said our goal should not be to tell lies, or attack the other side. Our goal should be to win them over to our side. I feel like no one is doing that effectively on the left, hence why things like the Texas abortion bill happen.
On the topic of Jonny-
Yes Jonny is a real person. It is a real story. Yes, Jonny did eventually go on to get married, and have 2 kids. It wasn’t a secret I was trying to hide from readers, I gave the after story to anyone kind enough to ask.

I think some of you did not understand my reasons for telling Jonny’s story.

For one, seeing all of that happen had a huge impact on me. Up until then I lived under this fictional idea that if an unwanted pregnancy occurred, the couple would talk it over and agree on the answer. I thought women typically wanted children and only chose to abort when they had an unreliable partner. Every time I saw something from the pro-choice perspective, it was always some dirtbag sleazy boyfriend demanding the woman get an abortion when she wanted to keep the baby. -Or women who had a guy run out on them struggling to make a decision. Never had I considered the possibility that the reverse can and does happen. Sometimes men do want babies. They are there, ready to step up to the plate… and watch as the child is aborted. That has got to be crushing.

In pro-choice literature, men are typically portrayed as villains. They are old white men trying to control women’s bodies. They are boyfriends selfishly trying to pressure their girlfriends into having an abortion so they can move on with their next girlfriend. They are deadbeat dads who walk out on their children.
Reality is that most men do not fit these caricatures. And describing them as such pushes them away. Some men want children. Most men also have an instinct to protect their unborn children. If someone laid a finger on my pregnant wife, I’d start swinging with a baseball bat.
If we were talking about a women miscarrying, women would be pouring out in support.

A man loses a child like this- and the comments on the post couldn’t be less empathetic. They said Jonny had no right to give his opinion, only to be supportive of her decision. Comments attacked him. I read one calling him a manipulative rapist that tried to force his fiancé to be his personal incubator.
The prevailing pro-choice idea is that men are the enemy, and encourages women to entirely dismiss the feelings of their partner. He should not even speak. And they honestly wonder why more men aren’t jumping on the pro-choice bandwagon. Nearly every pro-choice meme I see attacks men.
My brand of pro-choice says men do matter. These decisions do effect their lives. Their feelings matter, and they should speak up. Speaking up is their only avenue, because they have no legal rights. At the end of the day, it is the women’s body, and she gets the executive decision. But I think they belong in the decision making process.

This whole notion that men should standby and stand silent is horse manure. It pushes men away from the pro-choice stance. It’s not part of my brand.
Some took issue with my stat saying 45% of women describe themselves as pro-life. One commenter pointed to a different stat showing that men and women, in similar percentages had a much more nuanced view of abortion. The majority believe in some level of restriction and choice.

The point I was making is that the views of men and women on abortion are roughly the same. Every poll shows men are just a little more conservative.
Yet even if every single man was removed from office and replaced by a female- the law in Texas would likely still exist.

The narrative that old white men are trying to control young women’s bodies is certainly creepy- but not accurate. Men are a scapegoat for the pro-choice movement… when in reality, women themselves are anything but united on the issue.

In the Texas 2018 election midterms… voters were 53% women, 47% men.

The people who passed the Texas abortion ban got elected into office, thanks to the help of millions of Texas women. They could not be elected otherwise.

I would argue that attacking and scapegoating men pushes them away from the pro-choice stance.

If we want more men to join the pro-choice point of view, maybe we don’t treat them like the enemy and slam them in every pro-choice meme?
Maybe refocus on winning over those who are on the fence? All the women (and men) who liked my post, they understood what I was saying.
How many people did you win over with your white patriarchy pro-choice meme?

My advice to young men:

When I talk to my nephews, I always tell them to use protection, and never trust one method. Women forget to take pills, and other medications like antibiotics can mess with their effectiveness.

If you get someone pregnant, thats it, you have no legal rights to decide what happens next. If you do not want a baby, you need to look out for yourself.
If you do want a baby, you need to talk to your partner about it early. That conversation should happen early in a relationship to avoid really bad outcomes later.
If you are not on the same page, then they should strongly consider finding a different partner.
What else?
Some thought that men expressing their opinions about abortion to their partner, or generally as in my post was attempting to -force- them to do something.
Ehh sorry, no. Using our words, expressing opinions is what we do in a free society. If the decision a woman makes effects men, why should they stay silent?
The post said countless times that men have no legal course of action- and shouldn’t. No one ever said anything about physically forcing a women to do anything. I think people read in whatever they want. They want to fight straw men.
But you’ll have to look elsewhere, you didn’t hear those arguments here.
Some said my post was hurtful. Hurtful to them, hurtful to feminism, the pro-choice stance. My post hurt.
Listen folks, if hearing pro-choice criticism from someone else who is pro-choice was the most hurtful thing you heard yesterday…. you really need to step out of your bubble.

The way you describe being pro-choice is different from my pro-choice views. Your opinion hurt me. You told me to stop telling young people that a fetus is nothing more than a parasitic tape worm, and that really stung.
Give me a break.
Several people posted on YDSS and my private account that my post was wrong, a fetus is indeed a parasite, just like a tape worm.
To those people I say- I have friends, family, women who have had miscarriages. They see your posts. Getting on my private account to call the unborn “parasites without souls” is pretty disgusting behavior.
I’m not sure why you are following me, please see yourself out.
I had people tell me they are unfollowing me because my words were so hurtful. Sorry, I’m sure I will miss you. You don’t have to tell me you are leaving, you can just unfollow. It’s kinda weird on my part, because I’m not sure if you’re waiting for me to say something to stop you… but then a smart ass comment pops in my head, which pisses you off more, then you really unfollow. So, you know, just go. You don’t need my permission.
I had some folks cuss me out. I deleted them because they were really profane. I can take the hate messages, just try to clean it up a little.
I even had one commenter proudly boast they, the commenters had won. You lost, look at all these angry comments.
Angry people leave angry comments. Those who silently agree and don’t want to fight just like the post. Likes outnumbered angry commenters 3 to 1.
Considering my audience is 88% women, mostly democrats… I say not bad. Not bad at all.
But man, what a funny thought, “winning”.
There it is again. People think that if you fight people on the internet, and really told them off that they somehow won.
But then we get offline, everyone still gets one vote.
I say it all the time, who did you win over today?
You won the argument, oh yea? So they changed their mind…
Ah, nope.
I live in a Republican district. I talk to these people every day. All these liberal talking points fall on deaf ears. You want to win elections, you throw a bone to a guy shaken up after his fiancé aborts their child. You show empathy.
49% of the population is made up of… men!
And we all get one vote. Do you really think it’s a good strategy for pro-choicers to tell men they are not allowed to discuss the issue?
Pro-lifers are more than happy to invite men into their church, offer them a plate of cookies, refreshments, and just gab about the issue.
If they aren’t discussing it with you, they are discussing it with them.

Stop telling men they are not allowed to have an opinion on the subject.
Stop blaming men when all the data shows women have roughly the same beliefs.
Stop condescending to women on the right, calling them brainwashed because they have different values than yourself.

There’s this guy with a blog. He’s kinda on the left, kinda at the center. I’m not sure where he stands exactly but he was saying stuff about abortion I didn’t like. No, not pro-life stuff. No, he said he was against the Texas bill. But he said other stuff. He said he wasn’t proud of being pro-choice. He said he hopes there is a day abortion ends. And get this- he even has sympathy for a man who had his would-be child aborted. He had crazy ideas about allowing men to be part of their partner’s decision-making process. He even told them to speak up. The nerve!

So yea, we swamped his comment feed. We got him good. Totally won. We took that pro-choice man down a peg or two.
Cracks me up, these folks really have no clue why liberals lose elections. They don’t understand how Trump won in 2016, how the Supreme Court turned conservative, and how women’s rights just got steamrolled in Texas.
They don’t get it.
Let me ask ya’ll one more time, who’s mind did you change today?

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Abortion Part 2 – 9/4/21 Read More »

The Texas Abortion Ban – 9/3/21

Texas passed the Heartbeat Bill. This is what it does-

-It bans women from having abortions after cardiac activity can be detected, which occurs at about 6-week mark of pregnancy.
-The bill allows private citizens to sue anyone who assists a women in getting an abortion after 6-weeks.

In doing so, it is a way to circumvent Roe vs. Wade. The whistleblower is awarded $10,000 if they win their suit. Texas setup a website for people to submit tips on law breakers. The logic is that these people are profiting off abortion and should be punished. It could be an abortion provider, someone who offers financial assistance for an abortion, to the uber driver taking a woman to her appointment. A complete stranger with no involvement could sue… anyone, anyone they believe assisted a women getting an abortion after 6-weeks.
The obvious problems with the bill are: 85 – 95% of abortions occur after 6-weeks. Most women do not know they are pregnant by 6 weeks, and even if they did, it is not possible to get treated by the 6-week mark. That’s about a 2-week window between detecting pregnancy and getting treated. The idea that anyone can sue anyone connected to an illegal abortion is insane. It’s chaos.

Let’s say for a moment this law was legit- It would be no different than spotting a shoplifter pocketing a candy bar at the grocery store. You caught them, now you get to sue their lookout at the end of the aisle for $10,000. You witness a teenager running a red light? Report it, then sue their parents for loaning them the car for 10 G’s. No matter how you feel about abortion, this is ridiculously unconstitutional. And the problem is, it went into effect in Texas. The conservative Supreme Court had the ability to prevent the law from going into effect, until they heard the case. They declined to do so.
My opinion?
I’ve been told I do not have the right to speak on this matter, many times. Well unless I am 100% supportive of pro-choice women, then jump in. But if you aren’t, you are not allowed to speak on the issue.

Back in college I had a good friend. Let’s call him Jonny. When Jonny was a young man, he found out there was something abnormal about his manhood. He saw a couple doctors, and was told he was infertile. He would never be able to have children naturally, and maybe never at all. Everything else worked fine (I’m told) but he was shooting blanks. He started dating Molly freshmen year. The relationship turned serious. Junior year he bought an engagement ring. He asked her to marry him, and she said yes. They weren’t using protection because they were in a committed relationship, and were under the belief that Jonny could not impregnate her. Fall semester of senior year rolls around and Molly missed her period. She takes a test, and it comes back positive. Jonny was ecstatic. He spent the last decade under the belief he would never have a child of his own… Now he was getting married, with a baby on the way. It was like a dream come true. Molly secretly had concerns. Not about their relationship, she fully wanted to get married. She worried that the baby would arrive in the spring semester, and that if she had a baby before graduation, she may drop out and not return. She went to her mother and discussed it. She came back and told Jonny, sorry, but my mother and I discussed it and decided it would be best to terminate the pregnancy. Jonny was shaken up. He begged her not to do it. He promised to make sure she finished school, that he would take care of the baby. He’d do anything. She said sorry, I still want to be with you, but I’m aborting. And she did. And that was that. They tried to make it work for a little while after that, but it wasn’t happening. They broke up, and Jonny fell into a massive depression. For the next 6 months, he was just out of it. It was hard to watch.

So when I am -often- told that as a man, I am not allowed to speak about abortion issues… I tell them to p-p-p piss off, with my best Porky Pig impression.

Abortion rights for women, come at the expense of men. I have no rights. A man can have a one night stand, and be tied to a women and child he does not want for the rest of his life. At the same time, my wife is pregnant. This week we even picked out a name. That said, if tomorrow she decided at a whim to have an abortion, there is absolutely nothing I could do to stop her. That’s the truth. I do not have any rights. My wife could sit here chain smoking and drink a pint of vodka per day from here til January… and there is absolutely nothing I can do to protect my unborn until she comes out.

That’s truth. I have every right to speak on the issue, because legally I have no rights. Us men are at the mercy of whatever our partner decides. And in a fairytale world, those decisions would be made together in agreement… but in reality, they are not. The decisions of women affect us men. Therefore, I’ll say what I see fit, just like every other topic. Especially a topic so plagued with lies and misinformation coming from both the pro-life and pro-choice camps. -But we’ll touch on that later.

So, what do I believe? When people ask me where I stand on abortion, I tell them I am very reluctantly pro-choice. I am not going to pretend to be some pro-choice champion. I’m not.

And that #ShoutYourAbortion garbage a few years ago made me sick to my stomach.

I am pro-choice, only because I happen to think it is the lesser of two evils. I think abortion is a barbaric practice that I wish to see ended. However, I do not believe that can, or should be done by lawmakers with a pen.

It should be done with education, science, medicine, and social programs.

Between condoms, contraceptives, spermicide, and morning after pills… today if we put serious funding behind education and providing free easy access to the above prevention methods, we could eliminate roughly 95% of all abortions.

I hate abortion debates. The same cliché talking points by both sides of the issue. Countless lies. Both sides are vicious, self-righteous. Neither side seems to understand basic human biology.

Today conservative pro-lifers are talking about the heartbeat of an embryo. They think based on this a woman should be forced to carry a baby to term… even if she is a 13-year-old raped by her uncle… Because God willed it so.

Pretty crazy huh?

I’ve had a pro-choice biology major tell me that a fetus is just another part of a woman’s body, like a pinky toe. It is not alive. It has the mother’s blood, and her DNA. Therefore, it was her choice to remove it. It’s like clipping a nail. When I corrected her, she told me to educate myself. She came back two hours later after researching the topic, and admitted her biology was a little rusty. She said it didn’t matter though, because a fetus doesn’t have a soul. Babies get their soul when they are born.

I shit you not. Don’t get me started.

Some claim the fetus is actually a parasite, and the mother has the right to remove it just like a tapeworm.

I’ve read the absurd pseudo-science about how the unborn isn’t a person. They haven’t developed personhood yet.

I’ve read all the posts about how white males are conspiring to control women’s bodies.

Which sounds great, except that it ignores the ~46% of women who are pro-life… who voted old white guys into office to make laws like the one passed in Texas.

It ignores Governors like South Dakota’s Kristi Noem who saw the success Texas just had, and says she’s going to follow suit with a similar proposal.

Believe me, I have heard every argument, on both sides of the issue. Most are nonsense.

So, what’s the point of all this? -If Donald Trump had lost the 2016 election, we wouldn’t be in this mess now. Three conservative Supreme Court picks. The women in Texas who seeking an abortion, are feeling the consequences of those who “voted their conscience” in 2016. Don’t apologize, just send formula, they are going to need it.

-I think the Supreme Court will hear and rule on the Heartbeat Bill and toss it. It is so egregious; I don’t see a way they could rule in favor of it. But until then women’s rights in Texas are zilch. – I also think there is going to be a huge backlash in Texas for Republicans. Most people, even with significant reservations about abortion, do not support this Texas bill. Everyone who is not a diehard Pro-lifer in Texas is going to come out in droves to the polls next election.

-Lastly, instead of telling lies, spreading misinformation to justify your viewpoint… try using the truth.

Let me ask you, how many of these young girls or young couples, don’t receive proper sex education, and are prevented access to contraceptives? An unwanted pregnancy occurs, and they seek out information about an abortion. They are undecided, they do not know what is right or wrong. And the information they receive is: The fetus growing in your body is a soul-less parasite, a tapeworm. What kind of person gives that kind of information to young people, then pats themselves on the back like they are some kind of pro-choice hero..?

They are just as bad as the Christians telling young girls that they are going to hell for it.

The most intelligent, honest argument I’ve ever heard on the topic came from a nun. A pro-choice nun. She didn’t like abortion. She argued that we should beat people over the head with sex education and easy access to contraceptives. She continued to argue that poor people are least likely to be educated, least likely to have access to contraceptives. It forces children to be born into poverty, to parents who do not want them. Those on the pro-life side of the fence refuse to help mothers in need. They do not want to pay medical bills, for food, clothing, schooling… but when they are old enough, they’ll send them to prison. They do not want to provide the education or the contraceptives that could prevent all of this. And the problem grows exponentially with every generation. We do not have enough adoptive parents or resources to take care of them… and in a very short time, we will all face steep consequences for the cycle of suffering we created. She said she very much wanted to end abortion- and our best chance was to focus on education, and free contraception for all.

I agree with that.
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The Texas Abortion Ban – 9/3/21 Read More »

Elijah McClain Revisited – 9/2/21

We’ve talked about this case before… A couple years ago, McClain went to a convenience store wearing a ski mask. He bought some things and left. The store did not call the police on him, he was just another customer. To be 1000% clear here, the convenience store clerk that rung him out while he wore a ski mask did not think he was a threat or a thief. He just rung him out. Other customers in the store didn’t even bat an eye at him.

However, the Aurora Police DID. They saw a ski mask and understood they were dealing with a violent criminal.

It’s simply a matter of training. A trained convenience store clerk saw McClain wearing a ski mask, ignored it, and saw him as a customer.
Trained Aurora Police officers saw McClain moments later wearing the same ski mask and KNEW -without any evidence- he was actually a criminal.

But those are the rules, ski mask = criminal, at least according to the Aurora Police SpongeBob Handbook. I mean how else would police identify the criminals? Evidence? A crime? I think not.

-Well here’s the problem… McClain did nothing wrong, and died in their custody.

Now some legal experts may argue that police are responsible for anyone in their custody, especially when the person they kill was entirely innocent and should not have been stopped in the first place. -But are we really going to let laws get in the way of policing?

It is so unfair. It’s not like they just rode up on him for no reason, harassed and killed him.

No, no. First there was a phone call to the dispatcher, reporting a suspicious individual. The person reporting McClain tells the dispatcher that a guy is walking down the sidewalk in a ski mask.

See? Reasonable threat.

Well, except he goes on to tell the dispatcher that no crime has taken place and he does not believe McClain has a weapon. However, he -has- seen his fair share of SpongeBob episodes, and knows criminals often wear ski masks… so he alerted police.

Police responded to the call, and find McClain walking, down the sidewalk, still no crime, still no weapon. They decided to intervene. He wasn’t making it home alive, not on their watch.

What, am I being to harsh? In the bodycam footage, McClain doesn’t appear to be on drugs, violent, or up to criminal activity -and he wasn’t. He seems like a guy who doesn’t understand why he is being stopped and just wants to go home. A struggle occurs, McClain is put in a choke hold, drugged by paramedics, then dies.

See the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGlHMZQtO7U

Over a freaking ski mask. Real life is not a God damn cartoon show. I watched that video and see a guy that is quirky, harmless, and innocent of any crime. My opinion- if police had not stopped him, McClain would have still been alive. They had no reason to stop him in the first place, he was unlawfully in their custody, and his death is on them.

I don’t hate police. I respect them, and know they have a tough job. If this was the end of the story, I’d say: “Surely they didn’t intend for this to happen. This is not how policing should be done. Their mistakes caused an innocent person to lose their life. Charge them with involuntary manslaughter. That is fair.”

But unfortunately, this is only the beginning of the heinous story. Why? Aurora Police tried to cover it up. For example- In their report, they described McClain as a violent, threatening 200-pound criminal. Reality is he was not violent, confused, and a buck 40 soaking wet. When they tried to cover it up, it became murder. They knew what they did was wrong, killed him, and tried to hide it.

The local D.A. Dave Young refused to charge anyone for McClain’s death. When interviewed, he sounded like an avid defender of the Aurora Police. He claimed McClain suffered no injuries by police (as long as you ignore his death).

After this, three -other- Aurora Police officers reenacted the choke hold in selfie pics making fun of McClain’s death. A fourth- directly involved in the McClain incident laughed at the photo online. It was all a big joke to them. When the photo was discovered, the three officers in the picture were fired, and the fourth resigned.

Protests occurred to get justice for McClain. And rightfully so.

Police picked an innocent guy off the street, killed him, tried to cover it up, the so-called D.A. is working as a defense attorney for the police involved, while other officers in the same department felt emboldened to post pictures online mocking the victim’s death. It is sick and corrupt. I’m not one of these defund the police quacks. And I’ll tell you, this is some really sick and corrupt shit.

If you are one of these Blue Lives Matter folks- don’t defend this. These people are not worthy of it. Don’t lower yourself to defend them. This is a corrupt cop, corrupt D.A. situation. Prove the defund quacks wrong, and demand justice for Elijah. The police and paramedics involved need to stand trial, and the D.A. needs to resign.

It’s a really easy decision- the police should not have stopped him, should not have choked him, should not have drugged him, and should not have covered it up. Demand accountability because these scumbags in Aurora are making all police officers look bad. If you’re one of the good apples, help us get the rotten ones out of the bag and in the trash where they belong. In Aurora, the bad ones are sliming up the whole bag. The good news is we have a second chance to get this right, and get justice for Elijah. State Attorney General Phil Weiser charged three police officers and two paramedics in the death of Elijah McClain for negligent homicide and manslaughter.

Nail these SpongeBob troopers to the wall.

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Elijah McClain Revisited – 9/2/21 Read More »

Afghanistan Part 5 – 8/26/21

13 American military killed.
170+ Afghans killed.

Our friends who helped us, believed in us, desperate to leave with us. God only knows how many injured. Single largest attack against our side, that I am aware of in the entire war. What group? Not Taliban per se- some sub group of Taliban extremists, or ISIS or ISIL or ISIS-K, who gives a shit.

I’m also not part of this group that distinguishes between American lives and Afghan lives. I call it 183+ deaths on our side.

HCR said for all the media outrage calling it a disaster, very few people have died so it was much ado about nothing. Did she update you? Idk, I stopped reading, I’m not going to waste my time reading liberal partisan hackery. Leave your bitter comments below, I promise not to read them.

This whole thing is a disaster. But I’m not going to sit here and trash the Biden Administration today. NO ONE, despite political party, wants our people or friends to die.There are more attacks likely to come. Why would they stop? They had great success the first time.I don’t care how we ended up in this situation, God knows there are going to be innumerable congressional investigations.

My support for the moment rests behind Biden. Get all our people out safely- and I mean ALL- American and Afghan alike.We’ll deal with the rest later.

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Afghanistan Part 5 – 8/26/21 Read More »